目前分類:蜜蜂行為 (11)

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本文譯自:Do honey bees move eggs from cell to cell?

By Rusty / Honey Bee Suite  May 23, 2017

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本文譯自:Propolis and the resin connection

By Rusty Burlew  Honey Bee Suite / January 14, 2019

Jimmy Yen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

本文譯自:Two queens in one hive      by Rusty / July 8, 2011


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本文譯自:Why Smoking Soothes the Stressed-Out Bee Hive  By Meredith Swett Walker / 10 Sep. 2018 / from 美國昆蟲學會所屬之期刊今日昆蟲

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本文譯自:Washboarding bees arockin’ and alickin’

原文作者:Rusty / HoneyBeeSuite / August 28, 2010



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本文譯自:Queen piping, quacking, and tooting  by Rusty / July 31, 2010


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本文譯自:Festooning bees: lacework between the frames

原文作者:Rusty / HoneyBeeSuite


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本文譯自:What is a honey bee drone congregation area?

原文作者:Rusty / HoneyBeeSuite


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本文譯自:If your bees want to beard, let them

原文作者:Rusty / HoneyBeeSuite


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原文作者: Rusty /  HoneyBeeSuite

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本文譯自:Bees head-down in cells: did they starve?

原文作者:Rusty / Honey Bee Suite

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