目前分類:蜜蜂病敵害 (10)

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本文譯自:Global Honeybee Deaths Have Been Blamed on the Wrong Culprit All Along - Investigators of colony collapse phenomenon zero in on the real target.

By Peter Hess on January 29, 2019



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本文譯自:The mites are the same old mites

by Rusty Honey Bee Suite / December 8, 2018

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本文譯自:The science of the mite-bomb  by Paul | Jun 25, 2017


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本文譯自:Tree Hive Bees — Scientific Research To Save The Honeybees  By fred / Aug 7, 2015

Tree hive.jpg

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本文譯自:Extended-Release Oxalic Acid Progress Report   by Randy Oliver / ScientificBeekeeping.com


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本文譯自:Varroa Mite Reproductive Biology

原文作者: Zachary Huang,密歇根州立大學昆蟲學系

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本文譯自:How to apply an oxalic acid dribble

原文作者:Rusty / HoneyBeeSuite


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本篇文章翻譯自: Oxalic shop towel updates
作者:Randy Oliver / ScientificBeekeeping.com

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原文作者:Rusty / Honey Bee Suite

原文發表:January 28, 2017

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